Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Maybe by then, I'll have things figured out. :) Last summer i went across the country for an internship. It was really hard but I was learning a lot. One night, some girlfriends and I went out to a trendy club downtown and danced all night. While I was dancing, this really cute guy with the nicest smile kept looking at me. Being myself, I couldn't stop laughing because i got nervous. I turned my head away more than once and kept on looking at him. He was with a bunch of friends. One of my girlfriends got fed up of me staring at him so she decided to push me in his direction, which turned out to be sooo indiscreet. We introduced each other and found out we were both there for the summer because of work, and in reality, we lived in the same city, the other side of the country! We totally clicked, danced and chatted all night. I was thrilled! We had lots in common and I was excited. We exchanged emails and he emailed me the next day. We emailed each other for a month before we met up again in the city where we live during the year. We went for dinner, talked all night and had a blast. It felt so good, and i had anticipated this date for a while. That night, he announced to me he was moving away for a year for work and he had three months left here. I saw him twice after that and then decided to stop it, because I didn't want to get hurt. He understood, he was disappointed but he was so good and gave me my space. I totally hate the situation, its unfair sometimes. We still talk once in a while but I refrain from seeing him because i always want to hug him. It's sad, but I still have a lot of growing up to do and he already has his career set. He said " I hope we meet again in a couple of years." Sounds cheesy but I really hope so. Maybe by then, I'll have things figured out. :) Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 5.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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