Love Stories @ RomanceClass - But without you all I'm going to be is, incomplete Incomplete. The raindrops outside were bumping against the window trickling down against the window as thin illegible lines. She was staring to nowhere looking through the wet glass… with every drop of rain her inner tears got falling down leaving the face dry and unmoving, not making any changes in its frozen and dull expression. Somewhere was playing the music of the popular song that was on the top of the hot chats of the radio but the girl couldn't hear it. It has been raining for a few hours already and the entire world around her turned into these tears on the window. The beats of the heart seemed to be really slow causing the echo in her head. In girl's mind animated the image of another rainy day… It was autumn… …She was happily walking in the street following to the newly-opened music store. The weather seemed to be quite nice – a bit cool, but still making her think of the recent summer. Everything around her made her feel the last summer, everything seemed to be nice cause of the last summer, it was autumn in the air, but she still was breathing with the summer and it seemed in her world it'll last forever no matter what's going on outside. In the sky above her pretty head there were some rain clouds and in a minute it already started raining slightly. The girl felt its first drops on her cute face and smiled at it going on to the store. It seemed that even making usual steps she's dancing and if one could know the way she feels he'd bet she'll start singing in a second and change her walking into a fiery hot dance. She never felt like that. All her life has got changed so quickly and she could feel the magic euphoria in the air around. She finally came up to the new nice looking building of the store. She opened the door and walked into the warm space inside. On the first floor there was a little modern designed café with cozy tables, bar with various drinks and TV at the wall. It was noisy and nice. The music was playing and the atmosphere around was friendly and nice. The girl went upstairs and finally found herself in the store. Everywhere she could see a lot of shelves with plenty of CDs and PM3's of all kinds of music giving a good opportunity to find what she wanna and make the choice. Sales men smiled at her and suggested helping. - I need a CD with Latin music. The girl smiled feeling great because of the reason she's buying it – she learns dancing Latino & it introduces her as a smart modern girl – there could hardly be found lots of girls in her little town doing that. And… She learns it for HIM. One of the men quickly picked up a few discs with a certain kind of music. The eyes of a girl got shining much more now. -Oh, thank you a lot… I think I'll take both! Men around couldn't help but smile looking at the girl. She made her purchase saying: "I dance Latino." And left, letting everyone enjoy her charming happy smile… …The strong blow of the wind made the window wide open. The girl winced feeling its chilly cold. The frozen expression of her face was still the same… but now a big tear drop was rolling down the cheek… and then one more drop. She closed her eyes making the lashes got all wet. The girl was still sitting in front of the window and could hear the sound of the heavy rain outside. The cold wind made her force herself to stand up and close the window. For a few minutes she kept on standing next to it breathing at the cold wet glass. Turning her back upon it she looked into the emptiness of the room. All she could feel now was her burning eyes not even winking. She came up to another window looking through it into the rain. The noise of the drops bumping against it was calling her to go outside the mute emptiness of the room. The girl walked out into the rain… without an umbrella or anything to protect her and keep her dry. She doesn’t need the protection. She needs to get all wet in this sky-water. The girl was walking slowly not knowing where to go. Now she couldn't feel her own tears on the face because the rain cried right over it. The grey streets around were keeping sad silence looking mutely. There were no people on her way, just a shivering wet homeless dog sitting under the tree and looking at the girl with a begging glance. She responded with helpless pain in her eyes and passed by the dog going with no destination. …Soon she found herself standing next to the little library. The girl stepped inside being absolutely wet from the hair till toes by this moment. The librarian looked at her with surprise asking if any help was needed. Not responding, the girl picked up a random magazine from the shelf and took the seat at one of the available tables. She was looking through it with an empty glance not feeling any wish to read anything. Suddenly her eyes stopped on the page with a travel article advertising an exotic hot country as a perfect tourist destination. She couldn’t see the name and couldn't read the text, her glance was stuck on the pictures and she fell through the memories loosing the sense of the space around her…. …The beams of the shining sun were filling the room making the girl murmuring her favorite song in Spanish that was playing right now while she was making a letter to her crazily beloved. Blue eyes of a girl were shining with curiosity while she was looking at the bright pictures of his country. The sun in the sky now could be really envious about the warmth of the girl’s happy smile. She just got those pictures in the internet and now was attaching them to the email. "Amorcito! Look what I found! Beautiful mountains, wonderful landscapes, mysterious places – your country is just great! I’d like us to go to the honeymoon there! I am so curious about everything! I was just reading its history and it's so interesting for me to get know more and more new things about your country!.." Re: "…Amor, I'm so glad to know u like it and want to learn everything about it! Thx for the pics u sent to me – even I haven’t been to some of those places living there. We surely have to spend our honeymoon there…" "I'm sorry, Ms., we're getting closed now - it's already late." For a second girl couldn't understand where she was. The librarian was looking at her while she was sitting with the open magazine on the table in front. "Yes, of course…" - girl's voice seemed so strange now like a sound going out of nowhere. She walked outside see the rain getting stopped and watching the day turning into the evening. It was already freezing and the girl started slowly walking home. Plain cars were going by, leaving the noise of the engines sounding as an echo in her head. People were passing by in a hurry… Everything seemed strange for her now. Out of nowhere she suddenly heard a song… A wave of sharp shiver ran through her weak body… When the girl first heard this song long time ago she got suddenly sad feeling something inside her saying she’ll feel pain in the future listening to it. That day she tried to get rid of those thoughts & tired to think about something pleasant. And now listening to this music again she felt broken and down… Backstreet Boys..."Incomplete"... The pain was getting a power over her inner being… her feet kept on walking while the mind was totally separated from the body. …When she got home it was already dark and maybe some lonely stars took places on the night sky underneath the black clouds. It was the same emptiness of the mute room. The blows of wind made her get back to reality. The girl turned on the poor light and took a place next to the lap-top, going to check her mail… Nothing. The light of the screen rejected into her blue eyes. Being in silence she didn’t have anything wishing to do. Her eyes and the light of the screen became smth one. With a weak move she made a click on the sent folder. She never opened it to delete old letters sent by her long time ago. Girl's glance stuck at what she sent to him in the past. She never reread them. Her heart got beating heavy and nervously expecting the old memories bringing a new waive of pain… "Hola, Amado! You don't write to me for 3 days already… Maybe you don't have an internet connection or you're ill, maybe you're short of time, maybe smth is wrong… I am so worried about you, please let me know if you're ok. I love you, Amor, and miss you a lot. Write me back pls…" "Hi, Corazon! I am so sorry u fell ill! Please, take some hot tea with lemon and honey – here everything uses this natural medicine to get well. I wish I were there to take care about you! Get some rest, please and say hi to your mom - I love her very much, she’s such a nice woman… Cuidate, amor, te amo demasiado…" "Hola, mi carino! I just wanted to say I love u and send you some pictures I got in the internet. The 1st one is a bedroom that would be nice for our future baby we're dreaming to have… The 2d one is smth that would be great for me and you.. The 3d pic looks really romantic – would be perfect to stay there while a honeymoon…" "Hi, corazoncito! Look, look, what I got! Smth really special and wonderful. Just imagine me wearing that!!! Are u ready to see the picture?..." Tears now were rolling down her pail cheeks… new shiver made all her body shaking…Girl's eyes was looking at the picture of a model in a wedding dress she was crazy about. The pain bound her &she kept on crying mutely not already being able to see anything on the screen… …When her little sister opened the door of the room with her tiny hand keeping a Barbie doll with another one, she saw a squeezed body with big wings laying down on the floor. A little girl never saw anything like that but always knew for sure Angels exist. For a few seconds she was looking at it standing at the door way. Then she carefully came up to the body and got down on the knees. The Angel was lying with its face turned down to the floor and little girl couldn't see it. One of the wings was bleeding and a few white quills were lying on the floor next to it. The girl touched the angel asking with sincere childish care: “Your wing is aching?" The angel kept lying unmoving and mute. Little girl felt sorry for it. She caressed the bleeding wing looking at it with sad eyes of a kid. "…Did you see Ally?.. She's my sister, she was in the room…" Everything was in silence and there was no answer again… …Ally woke up on the floor deep at night. Her little sister was sleeping nestled up to her keeping a Barbie doll in her tiny hands. Ally caressed her soft brown hair with a weak shivering hand and got up picking her up carefully. A kid was sleeping murmuring quietly: "Ally, I saw an Angel…" She laid her in the bed covering with a pink warm blanket. Her right wing was still bleeding and some quills fell down on the floor again. She was looking at her sleeping little sister. Everything was in silence… Ally went out of the room closing the door quietly trying not to wake up the kid. Now she was standing next to the stairs looking up. Numb wings seemed to be very heavy for her weak body. Ally sighed hard and started going upstairs until she found herself on the roof. Now she could see stars on the black sky and little white snow flakes falling down… It was the 21st of December. Her body was slowly getting cold like the chilly air around. The snow was falling down laying on the roof and her immovable wings. Blood on the right one now congealed. Ally was standing quietly looking into the darkness of this winter night. In some windows far away the light was still shining. People were looking forward for the coming Christmas. She was slowly breathing with cold fresh air of the winter night feeling the seldom heartbeats in her chest. Her wings were frozen and heavy. The mute silence in Ally's head suddenly got turning into the low music seeming familiar. She made a few steps but slipped, falling down on the roof dropping her face into the wet cold snow and loosing more quills from her aching wings… The music got sounding louder. Snow flakes were falling down on the roof covering her body like a white blanket. Ally's blue eyes stayed open and now looked like a frozen ice… on the black lashes were quietly falling white snow flakes………… Empty spaces fill me up with holes Distant faces with no place left to go Without you, within me I can't find no rest Where I'm going is anybody's guess I've tried to go on like I never knew you I'm awake but my world is half asleep I pray for this heart to be unbroken But without you all I'm going to be is, incomplete Voices tell me I should carry on But I am swimming in an ocean all alone Baby, my baby It's written on your face You still wonder if we made a big mistake I've tried to go on like I never knew you I'm awake but my world is half asleep I pray for this heart to be unbroken But without you all I'm going to be is, incomplete I don't mean to drag it on But I can't seem to let you go I don't wanna make you face this world alone I wanna let you go (alone) I've tried to go on like I never knew you I'm awake but my world is half asleep I pray for this heart to be unbroken But without you all I'm going to be is, incomplete Incomplete… Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! 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