Love Stories @ RomanceClass - He Left his Girlfriend for Me Well it all started last year. I think toward the lasts few months of school. And we had been friends since the beginning of the school year. But we both didn't realize how much we were in love with the other until we were at special olympics.(We go to a special education program for people with disabilities). And we hung out the whole day together. We were having a great time being together.He would make me laugh.And I would make him laugh. He made me laugh so hard my mom thought we were dating at the time which we weren't. During the time I was friends with him I thought of him as a brother to me but then since then I saw him in a whole different light. We couldn't go out right away because he was aready dating someone. Ever since then we have been acting like players so we could be together. Then one day when we were on the phone together even though he was dating this girl already I couldn't hide my feelings in anymore. So I asked him out and he said "how am I going to breakup eith this girl I'm dating?" And I said well. maybe if you just told her how you feel then she would understand! and he took my advice it was hardto do but both of us are really happy. I've never been happier. Hes one of my bestfriends and well after he gets out of some stuff which I can't mention he will ask me to marry him. And of coarse I well say yes. So love is stronger then friendship even though I no longer friends with my boyfriends ex girlfriend it was worth it. So basically if you are truly in love with someone if your friend is dating him tell her how you feel. Thanks to my boyfriend hes the only thing that keeps me alive hes the best thing that has happened to me. Hes like a early gift that I've been waiting for all my life. Love-O-Meter 2.10 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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