Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Cold So me and this kid at school necer talked , so one day he asks me to come over. Me knowing guys , i knew what he wanted , but everyone said he had a girlfriend. ya good for me right, well he didn't. So i went to his house at night ,it was a cold night. so the talking thing for us really dosen't work, we teied it didn't. so we ended up laying on the ground just holding each other for like 15 min. then we just kissed and it went from there.The last time i kissed a guy was 2 years before that so i was like finally. It was cute , becuase he was getting really cold, so i just moved closer, then he got to cold and i had to go home. Love-O-Meter 1.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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