Love Stories @ RomanceClass - More than just beautiful To A--c-a L. I love you, I always will. I will never forget you. You make me smile more then anyone can. I need you, I will always need you. You are more then just beautiful, you are amazing, your stunning. It was so hard to not be nervous in your presence because I felt your essence near me. Your unique way of how you are. When you use to look at me and smile all I could do is smile back and look deep into your eyes. I felt nothing else mattered at that moment except you and me. I know you felt it too. I will never understand what happened between us. I feel like everything I ever wanted in my life partner was right there in you, in that moment. You hurt me, but it's okay I forgive you. I know you were scared. I know your still scared. Your scared because nothing like this has ever happened to you in your life. To be every thing this man wants and desires in a woman. To be someone he would do anything for. To feel so beautiful and needed. To be more precious than diamonds. To feel nothing but joy in his presence. To only want more of him as he only wants more of you. To be the princess this prince would die for. You need me as much as I need you. My life will never be complete without you. I love you, I need you, I want you, I desire you, I can't live without you. My life is nothing but lonely without you, you complete me as a man. I don't how I can ever resolve this with you unless you give me the chance to prove to you this is not a lie. This is real. I can't approach you because I've done everything I can do. Let your guard down, call me, talk to me. Start on a journey with me to discover who we are and who we can be together. Let us become so tangled with each other all we can see is what we are together. All we can see is your beauty and my strength in such harmony it can not be separated. I love you always. P--r--k C. Love-O-Meter 3.60 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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