Signs to Notice She's in Love With Me (from my soon-to be-girlfriend back then)/Seen It Happen Among Servicemembers of the Opposite Sex on a Warship:
-She stops by and follows me wherever I go, even at mealtime.
-Constantly calls my workcenter asking for me, which sends gossip signals to my co-workers.
-Our brief conversations last more than 30 min. and we smile and look at each others' eyes while talking.
-Leads me to a private room in her workcenter.
-Everytime someone pops in, there she is with me alone.
-She first turns to me for help before asking for others' help on certain issues.
-More inappropriate contact [first one I first noticed from her was gently grabbing my forearm with her hand (at the sametime caressing it with her thumb) and resting her head on my shoulder when she first congratulated me on something; then went on to other stuff such as squeezing/massaging/spanking and so forth)].
-Conversations become more intimate and personal.
-More compliments about physical features (for example, she quoted to me and squeezed my left bicep="You're a male. With lots of muscles.") How'd she notice? I'm not even that chiseled.
-She always ask me to go with her when we arrive at a liberty port.