Take a step back. Breath. Try to forget about him for a little bit, and focus on moving your own life forward--the part of it that doesn't have to do with him. (Since it sounds like you're in college and school's about to start up again, focus on classes, join some clubs, hang out with some of your other friends, etc.)

In short, I agree with about all the deductions you've made, but it seems like you're having a hard time meeting the conclusion on your own.
It doesn't sound like he's out-right lying, but it does sound like he's leading you on... you and several other girls.

Just keep that in mind when you guys meet up again (as I suspect some of the old feelings WILL come rushing back.)

Also, don't do anything you might regret.

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...
-Omar Khayyam