I met this girl at my work about 2 months ago, she goes to me school, just recently she's been like... Talking to me alot, and touching me and all sorts of stuff, she always wants to hang out with me when we get off work and goto the lake and stuff, but I mean, she always hugs me every time I leave work and every time I get there, usually comes to me if somethings wrong, she asks me to take her to school, and all this stuff, but then theres this other guy who was going to ask her to prom and she always talks about it "Oh I hope he asks me" and I'm all like thinking that she just doesn't care about me, because I would take her if she wanted, I just get really confused, when I'm around her I feel so weird like I don't want to talk because I might say the wrong thing and it makes me feel nervous, can anyone help?