it really doesn't help that my dad antagonizes my mom to get her angry and then she takes her anger out on me this has been happening for at least three years now my mom is yelling at me for being on my computer my comfort object. no matter how much i tell her that it relaxes me to be on it she hates all of my technology and doesn't believe me that my back is hurting me. and there is nowhere i can go to clear my head in this small town. this really helps me vent my feelings without being judged. i really an a caring guy and can't stand the thought of hurting other people but me i never have hurt myself yet but i am afraid that i will soon and i can't talk to the counselors because they are really busy try to get kids to pick classes for next year. the only thing keeping me sane are the few friends i have. I'm just going through alot. i really hate the weekends now cause i get so depressed i rarely feel happy at home and when i do it is just for a brief moment. i really don't know what to do it is just really hard to have a mom that is mentally sick that can't be fixed. like she gets mad at me for no reason at all. this doesn't happen just on rare occasions but all the time. i am not doing good in school any more although i try. i just want everything to go away sometimes so i can just be alone. but my mom is always home cause she can't drive. i feel like i have been given a really big burden that can't be passed on to someone else. sorry if i repeat myself but i can't believe how happy i get when i just sit next to my girlfriend if only i could feel like that all the time. thanks for reading this i know it is long but it makes me feel wanted by someone.
