Hello Josh & welcome! smile

There are so many people who fall in love, only to have their hearts broken ~ especially when they are 17.

At 17, emotions run very high.
Is he a similar age?

You feel terrible now ~ understandably ~ but time will help you to deal with this and things will improve for you.

If you feel so strongly about this man, then he probably will be in your heart for ever, but that doesn't mean that he is the one for you. Your soul mate will also lift your heart, but he won't then break it by cheating on you.

You have lots of time to find your true partner in life, so don't let this put you off finding your real dream soul mate.

For now, try to fill your time with distractions. See friends & relatives, follow up your favourite hobby, work hard on your studies, etc. Take your mind off it as best you can ~ and slowly, but surely, you will cope better.

Good luck & take care.

You can always post on here if you need to vent your emotions.

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.