with your ages, i know you have heard it all before but, it is the best advice... live for yourself now and for a while yet. a few more years are needed for you to know what you really want and need. i got involved at 16, got pregnant and "knew" i had found my soul mate and had the beautiful family i had dreamed of. it wasn't a dream it was a nightmare of the worst kind. i ruined my life because i didn't think with my head, never listened to people who loved and wanted the best for me and had "been there, done that" and said "i am old enough to know what i want" i was old enough to know some things, but of life and relationships... i had no clue. i am now 40 and living with my parents, unemployed and terrified because i have to go back to school.
like i said before, you don't want someone like her, she is only 14 and is already a game player and a user. you deserve a person who thinks of you as an equal, doesn't;t play games with you and is not cruel. you have a heart obviously, of you wouldn't have looked for help. believe in yourself and build up the good person you are becoming and find out who you are. if you don't know who you really are... can anyone else? don't be a door mat for anyone and most of all, love yourself first and then the right person will arrive who will love you for who you are and never do wrong by you. it takes time, but that is all we have so let it do it's job. good luck and be strong

baby blue