Oh good glad I'm still here. I wanted to add: I meant to SAY
we should clean out our jewelry box and remove any jewelry
that has associations with a past partner. anything that reminds
us of a past relationship could interere with our feelings
and receptivity to a new partner ect. Well I know I have
given away 'gifts' jewelry that someone gave me & I didn't
want the gift anymore ( or to think about THAT person)
I know a little RE: Gemstones and metals and I know they hold
on to the 'vibrations of people & energy who have handled them.
In my bedroom I do not like too much 'yin energy? maybe why
I like lines instead of curving angles & shapes. I like BR white
for protection & good for delicate health and I have blue
and is calming for restful sleep. keeping it darker at
night seems to help me sleep good too. I do get confused
because I don't want the Chi to get stuck either & I don't
want sluggishness or congestion. I always have to have
some lite fan blowing fresh air down my hallway & into my
BR. Seems I have STIRED up alot. I get started with THIS
Feng shui and I don't want to stop <teasing> I read where
we are NOT to have our computer in the bed room. And if
we do we are to cover it. Now I'm wondering if I should cover
my TV in BR? Well ideally my BR is not cluttered and is
a happy room at the same time linked to health and where I
rest. RE: my gem stones, I usually clean in salt water and
they hang around with me in different parts of my place.
I'm saying all of this because I like all of this Feng Shui
and I know the differnt area& in my apartment and what is
beneficial & impact & what works? but I seem to venture away
FROM? maybe I need to read & study ( start all over again)
After all it's common sense and why do I make it complicated?
too many practices maybe or levels? If it's so good why
do I end up like this & leave it? maybe the subconscious
or too many symbols & seems perplexing. (like a diet, I
do well & eat healthy and then I go for IceCream instead
of fruit) I'm wanting to start AGAIN, guess I'll start with
quick & easy benefits and I'm always burning incense& usually
all year, all day (in a can filled with rice) maybe I should
change that to wood or ceramic? of course candles but incense
(everyday)and I smudge but haven't in a while? maybe I should
start again? so why am I wanting all of this? I want to
unclutter, more energy and peace when I look around my place:)