I know some people may be angry reading this, but to anyone that can offer any constructive insight i would really appreciate it. First off i will start by saying what the two of us did is WRONG, although for some reason (maybe because we have so much history) it all seems to fly out the window when we are ever around each other. I was sleeping with my ex about 18 months ago, we broke it off becasue we both started seeing people and didnt want what we were doing to mess up our new relationships, we were each others 1st loves & have been on/off for over 12 years. He has girlfriend & i have a boyfriend. He has been calling and texting me non stop for over 4 months wanting to hook up (about 10 calls at least each time he calls) and i just didnt respond to any for a long time, i finally caved & we hooked up & then he came over in the morning & we picked up where we left off the nite b4 we were both sober for the next meeting and after he left he was telling me he couldnt wait to see me again and how he would message or call me in a few days. All that nitght & next day he couldnt stop telling me how he always thinks bout me even when he is having sex with his girlfriend and wouldnt stop talking about our history and past times we were togehter, I asked him why he wanted to be with me and he couldnt give me a proper answer he just said he does love her but no one can get him off like i can? So its purely a sex thing from what i gathered. Monday morning i get text saying he now feels 2 guilty & it cant happen again, which is fine because i dont want it to as i myself am racked with guilt (but that it my own fault and something i have to live with and pay for) but what i dont get is why does he only feel guilty now & why did he bother trying 2 score wth me 4 so long if he "loves" her? My guess is its a sex thing but if anyone can offer any thoughts i would appreciate it.