Hello and welcome smile

So you are friendly with two girls and you find them both pleasant and attractive ~ let's call them 'Girl A' and 'Girl B'.

You are particularly attracted to Girl A. You go as far as saying that you are in love with her.

Girl A also acts as if she were attracted to you ~ gazing into your eyes, etc.

But ~ she has an ex-boyfriend, who is still on the scene as a friend ~ such a good friend that others think that they are still secretly dating (?)

Girl B has a similar personality to Girl A, and you get on well with her ~ even flirting at times. At present, you definitely prefer Girl A.

However, you just don't know how you might feel about Girl B, if you just knew her better ~ and you are now getting the chance to know her, because her Girl A is currently abroad.

So what do you do?

Do you wait for Girl A to return and ask her out?

Do you try to forget about Girl A, because of the ex?

Do you ask Girl B out, because she is nice and girl A is out of the country ~ and still possibly with her ex?

It's a long time since I was a teenager, but I do recall that it was possible to find various people attractive, all at the same time. It is probably something to do with hormones smile

You cannot date them all at the same time, though, so you have to sort out your feelings somehow.

Personally, I think that one should choose to date someone who is actually a nice person, rather than someone who is simply attractive.

I also think that one should date someone whom one actually likes, because that is only fair on both parties.

Of course, one can only go out with a person who is willing to go on a date.

This is general advice ~ but what about your personal situation?

You like both girls, but feel that you actually 'love' Girl A.
In this case, then, it seems a bit unfair to consider dating Girl B.

However, you feel that, if you knew Girl B better, then your feelings towards her might change and become more romantic. If this is the case, I would say that you are not really in love with Girl A.

Is it possible that your feelings towards Girl A were related to the looks that she was giving you?

I would say that you should only pursue a relationship with Girl B, if you are certain that your feelings for her have become more special, and that your feelings for Girl A have gone away. Otherwise it is not fair on any of the three of you.

If you no longer care for Girl A, and you do care for Girl B, then ask her out.

Otherwise, wait for Girl A to return and see how you feel about both of them then.

If you still have strong feelings for Girl A, when she returns, then you will need to ask her how things stand with her ex.

If they are genuinely just good friends, then you can ask her out.

If she is unavailable, then you will just have to accept that.

Maybe your feelings for Girl B will grow stronger in due course, but only ask her out if she is genuinely the girl you want to date ~ otherwise you will both feel unhappy about it.

Good luck smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.