Evening meditation time. I published a story set in Korea; now I’m finalizing book 4 in my murder mystery series. Every day is a step. Make a little progress today. It adds up. #Namaste
Read MoreEvening meditation time. If you or a loved one is buying a pet *always* check out the source. Make sure it’s not a puppy mill. If you’re at a store, find out where they source their pets. Puppy mills are more prevalent than you might think. #Namaste
Read MoreMy daily yoga practice with my daffodil bulbs encourages me to focus and stretch. Every day is a new opportunity for change. I love how their roots intertwine and support each other. #Namaste
Read MoreEvening meditation time. We’re all human. There are *still* some who get upset over fairly meaningless differences. What specific shade our skin is? Time to end that discrimination. #namaste
Read MoreI enjoyed a wonderful yoga session! The chickadees, nuthatches, cardinals, and woodpeckers were enjoying the seeds & suet. The daffodil bulbs are growing. There is just so much to be grateful for. Every day is a blessing and an opportunity to make a positive change for our world. #namaste
Read MoreEvening meditation time. Please protect your brain. It’s your most important asset and you only get one to last throughout your life. Here’s another study on the dangers of soccer – if you or those you care for play soccer, please give serious consideration to if you let them head the ball. Your brain is […]
Read MoreMy yoga session today was wonderful. It brings me strength and focus with which to face the day. Have you done your yoga today? #Namaste
Read MoreEvening meditation time. Release. Relax. Let things go. Each day will come. Find the focus to face each one. #Namaste
Read MoreI enjoyed a wonderful yoga session to start my day with energy and focus. Got a pet? Have them join in the fun! No pet? That’s fine, too. Stretch and release tension! For the well-meaning friend who was convinced I would gain paranormal powers by doing hamstring stretches, I can tell you with confidence that […]
Read MoreEvening meditation time. I’m writing a story featuring Korean War veterans. I’m eternally grateful to all who sacrificed to keep our world safe & free. Special thanks to my family members who served in the past and who currently serve. #namaste
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