okay there is this girl, that i really like. we are more or less friends, we watch the exact same shows, and even have a small bet on the show Lost. we have had some momnets, like in sci. class where our school counsloer came in and talked about our freshman year. we both had questions, and i let her ask hers first. she finished, and she stayed and atentively listened to my question, thogh she could have left whenever. i made a light joke about something she said eairlier, and we both kind of laughed and went our own ways. another time ( i sit very close to her in all the classes we have together) she turned around to check her answers, with mine, righ tbefore hour test in science. and antoer time we were in out sechool gym, watching a dodgeball tourny that happenes every year, and this one kid who i might be able to condiser my friend, says something, and i say somthing back, and she is sitting there, looking at me, and i give her a quick glance and then say another thing to my friend. things like this have happened before, but i think she may have lost some interest in me because this one girl who rides my bus, sould not shut up about finding out who i like. i am somewhat shy, and did not want her to know, so one thing led to anoter, and she came up with the wrong person, but she wouldnt belive me when i told her no. but she felt like telling her anyway, and she sits right behind the pesron i like. so thank you for reading this, and tell me if she might like me or not...