Are you really hopeless or just saying that. Are you feeling better or not really. I am concerned about you.
Who are you able to talk to about how you are feeling... besides this forum?
Relationships are hard, and at 17 it can seem like the end of the world - but you are just getting started - there are going to be so many opportunities to meet so many fantastic women. Its just that in the beginning, breakups can feel really devastating.
If you want to see if there is a chance with your recent GF then just ask her - call her or write her a note. But if she says she is not interested or is not ready to reconsider - then I don't want you to think that life is over. If you need to talk to somebody you can use this forum or even PM me. Do you have a good relationship with your parents or a teacher or some friends who can lend an ear? You are not alone in the feelings you are going through and there is a light at the end of the tunnel!