My boyfriend and I recently broke up. It's only been three days since we broke up.
We didn't date that long, a little over a month, but I can't get him off of my mind. I'm not saying I loved him necessarily, but I was falling in love with him. I know a month is a short period of time to fall in love, but there's just something about him that made me fall fast.
His excuse for breaking up is that we're different. He likes to drink alcohol and I don't drink that often and he likes to be gone all the time, and I didn't. The only problem with that is he never asked me to go anywhere.
He would spend all of his time with his friends, and no time with me.
The first two weeks of our relationship, we spent at least three to four hours a day together and then he started hanging out with his friends again, which was fine with me. But then it got to the point where he was never around. He was always gone.
I know it was a good thing that we broke up, but I still want him back so bad.
He's saying that right now, he just wants to be single.

How can I change his mind? How can I get him back?

Last edited by ishowme; 07/03/07 04:24 PM.