Hey Mate!

My firs wife Karey Ann and I were together for 6 years all totaled. I loved her with all of my soul. One day - ad for a reason I still don't know - she decided she was not happy and left me. I was totally devestated.

I was a real mess for quite a while because of that. I felt like I was dying at times. I had a period of time where I shut myself in. I stayed at home in my apartment (our apartment) and grieved. It was horrible!

After a while I realized that I had to be around people; around friends. So...I started to go out to clubs with my friends. I met some women and socialized. But, thinking back on it now, I probably talked more of Karey than anything.

Anyway, the more I saw my friends and the more I met other women...the better I felt about myself. This was important!

When someone dumps you...not only is your heart broken, but your ego takes a kicking too. Having other women show interest in you is the best medicine for a damaged ego from a break up!

Anyway, another thing I did was join a local Karate Dojo and signed up for a black belt membership (which I achieved). I turned all of my focus onto training, improving myself and learning.

What you are experiencing right now is part of life, my friend. Be selfish and turn your focus onto yourself right now. Grieve as long as you need to, but get out there and spend time with your friends. Meet some pretty girls and have a few drinks and kiss them untilyou can't kiss them anymore. And...find a good hobby to dive into. The point is to keep yourseld busy and to have fun with other people.

I advise you to not call this girl either. Keep your dignity in tact, hold your head high and keep walking brother!

Remember this: Everything is going to be okay!


Perception is reality.