Tangman, I am seeing a little girl who's dad divorced her mom and left this little girl with feelings of rejection and low self worth. I see a young woman who was very hurt by a former boyfriend who again deserted her and left her with feelings of rejection and low self worth. I see a young woman who's step father, who might have taken the place of her real father, deserted her and her mother and once again left her with feelings of rejection and low self worth. I also see a young woman who doesn't feel lovable and is afraid that if she does commit and love someone they will leave just like everyone else has. She is going for the quick fix for love which is sex and using that to bolster her feelings of being unloved. I also think she has been abused by someone in her past. I think she needs to seek professional help. She is displaying actions and saying things that are self destructive. If she keeps going I think she can become suicidal. I agree with PDM, that she has issues. I also think that she cares for you, but not as strongly as she should. I also think that your fears for her well being are warranted. You cannot save her from herself,however, that takes a professional. I am sure some of it is a cry for help, because she knows you love her. She is telling you things that are like bill boards. I believe you can only be her friend and a good friend and be honest with her and encourage her to see a professional. If she wants to know why tell her that she has sadness issues that can be helped and that running away and partying will not made that sadness deep inside go away. Tell her that you want to see her happy, not sad inside, even if your not together.

Cookie and Sweetie