Thanks to all who responded!
To answer a few questions: we are the same religion, but I do not attend church (but I probably lead a more moral life than 99% of church-goers). We are both of the same ethnic background; my mom was born in the same country as Bobby and my father's parents were born in the same country as Bobby. This country is in Europe and just for info we all have the same skin color (not that that would make a difference to me, but, as joandboys questioned, his family possibly having a problem with something like that, so that is not the problem! :))
He has sorta a negative view of Americans (we are wasteful is what he told me which is totally true). Let's say that Bobby is from Sweden. The comment he made about my family being 'normal' compared to other Swedish families in America he's visited was that those Swedish families were very "American" and wasteful. He's not one of those foreigners that hates America though. We actually had a little discussion on gun ownership and he was against it and I was for it and we both explained our sides and it was a fun little conversation.
On another note, once when we were talking I told him that I'm American and he's hurting my feelings saying mean things about Americans (I said it in a jokingly) and he told me that I'm not even American, that I'm half Swedish and quarter of where my dad was born, and that I'm barely even American. I told him I was American though. It wasn't an argument it was actually kinda cute.
My problem is that so far I've done all the asking and whatnot and I feel like he maybe doesn't like me that he doesn't even send me a short e-mail saying "hey how ya doing, what's up?" I'm not even going to see him now on Saturday because the graduation party was moved up two weeks, but I will see him in school on Monday night!
I think I've made it pretty clear to him that I like him (asking him when he's coming back after he goes home for the summer, if he will be at this grad party, inviting him to my sister's grad party, inviting him to my friends bday party...), so he doesn't really need to fear rejection, I think his ex-fiancee has the most to do with it and the fact that he doesn't have a car may play into it. I have no problems picking him up and I don't expect to be lavished with any sorts of gifts. If he were my bf all I'd want is him, I don't care about gifts, just an awesome bf who loves/likes me (and me him) and is loyal (cause I am too)!
Also, he and a group of other Swedish students went on a little half-day trip to a destination about 1/2 hour away and I was thinking/hoping that he may call or e-mail me asking if I wanted to go with them (this was after I had invited him to my friend's bday party) and he didn't

It was weird cause he was definitely getting close to me the day before. So I'm just confused and don't want to make anymore 'big moves' and here's to hoping he does!
Oh and about me moving to his country if things got serious, I would but I haven't told him that because that seems like a little too much for now! I actually lived in his country for a year and didn't like it that much. I have to admit I didn't like my job the pay was HORRIBLE and I just had a good number of misfortunes happen to me. There were good times though. I'm not sure if he'd stay in America though, but I think he might.
Thanks again everybody and I still welcome and appreciate all feedback!!