I've been seeing this guy for three months, and all of a sudden, he told me he just wants to be friends. I was SO hurt because I really like this guy... and I miss the times we spent together. He made time a week after the breakup to talk to me about the whole situation, and i really appreciated that...
He told me it was a hard decision for him b/c i'm important to him, and we decided to just be friends. Honestly, I am still not completely over it. I am still hurt everytime I think about how he doesn't care about me anymore. Afterall, he doesn't call anymore... usually, it's me calling him, and we talk a lot less on the phone. I guess i'm just hurt by the thought that he wouldn't care about me as much and that i'm not special to him anymore...
am i wrong to think this way? I am really confused... i really don't know how to act in front of him... i want to play cool, but i know i really am not...