I totally agree with the distraction thing. Actually I think he continues to do it just to get a rise out of mom! So maybe if you don't make a big deal out of it and try not to overreact he'll stop. 'cause if he thinks it's not bothering you what's the point in doing it anymore? I know easier said then done right? But seriously it seems to me if he continues to do it, it's got to be bad for him...can't making yourself vomit all the time eventually damage your esophagus(sp)? So yeah try distracting him with something else if you think he's gonna do it. Or maybe make a deal if he doesn't do that anymore you will take him someplace special at the end of the week or something. You might even want to sit down and have a heart to heart as to "why" he finds it so amusing and explain to him that it can actually cause serious problems in his throat. I know he's only 8 but 8 year olds are alot smarter than you might give him credit for. smile Good luck.."Kids"..ya gotta love em!! They really do say and do the darndest things!