It may or may not work out, it depends on what kind of guy he is. I understand yo were hurting and looking for someone to hold you but maybe you went a step too far. You said he is sweet so maybe he is willing to take this into a serious relationship. You need to bring it up and find out before anymore happens, and if he doesn't want a serious relationship with you then it wasn't meant to be. He was only meant for fun and to help you begin to heal, sort of like a protective band aid that tends to wear out after a while and you're left on your own to deal with the cut. It's your choice whether or not to not change the band aid out and let it get infected or put some neosporin on it and suck it up!

Candy & Crushes

The world moves on Sweet heart, and so should you. Life doesn't move at your pace, it tends to be just a few steps ahead, catch up!