theres this girl at my school and she is in my spanish class. she sits right next to me and im really starting to like her. i wanna make a move and ask her out but im afraid that if she doesn't like it, itll be very awkward when we go to class from then on.

so then i decided ide try to find out of she likes me first before i do anything. but i don't really know how. i was thinking ide like really pay attention to her and talk to her as much as possible but i don't really know what to talk about that would be able to find out if she liked me.

i kinda think she likes me because when we do talk we are always smiling. and like for tests and quizes we get back she always asks me what i got and we like compare answers, so that part is good.

but yea i need some ideas on what to do so see if she likes me or not. so please help if you can