Hello, I'm new to this forum but have been searching for somewhere to post and get some feedback. This looks like a good place smile

Anyway, my situtation is that I've been in a relationship for 2.5 years. We lived together after a few months and did so for a year. Then he had to go to where his child is in a different state 3000 miles away. He was originally from there. The plan was that he would go there for 8 months to a year, then we would meet up in another state where he would attend college and pursue his dream job. I had a good job and could telecommute so I could live anywhere. The main reason I didnt go back with him is so he could live with his parents and get all his bills paid off so he could attend school without worrying about them. Well that was Nov 2008, fast forward to now and he's had problems getting loans due to his credit so school was on hold, so our plan b was that I would move there as we didnt want to be apart so long. Well ever since it seemed like we'd have to go to plan b.. he's gotten distant and this has resulted in arguments as I'm feeling like I'm 5th or 6th in his line of Priorities.

So I'm completely in love with him and feel like this tension has more to do with how long we have been apart and that once we are together things will be back to normal. When we are together things are good and we are confortable and enjoy each other's company. So he tells me he needs time to decide what to do.. doesnt it seem like after 2.5 years he should know what he wants or doesnt want? I do know he does have a hard time committing to marriage but I'm not pushing for that.. I just want to live in the same state/town again. My best friend thinks he wants to break up but just doesnt have the xxxxx to do it and is trying to make me do it. Should I? I dont want that but I also dont deserve to be treated badly in the mean time.He is doing that as 99% of what we argue about is him not making time for me anymore like he used to. I know I should probably just cut my losses but my heart is having a hard time with that. What if he is just really confused like he says? I do know he's really stressed at work on top of all this. I want to support him but am I being stupid?

Last edited by PDM; 12/28/09 02:33 AM.