As I see it, at present you know this girl, you like her, she knows that you like her, but doesn't seem to be encouraging a relationship.

However, she is willing to accept friendship.
So be friendly.

And who knows?
The friendship may even blossom into something else.

The best relationships are, I think, also the best friendships.

But she really may not want more that to be just friendly - and, if this is the case, then you must accept it, because a relationship has to be a two-way thing for it to be successful.

You really would not be happy with her ~ no matter how attractive you found her ~ if she were not as interested in you, as you were in her.

But no-one can have too many friends ~ and, as I said, you never know where friendship may lead smile

Good luck smile

Last edited by PDM; 07/13/10 01:21 AM. Reason: typo

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.