Angela, I think PDM has raised some excellent points. This will be a marriage for both of you - hopefully for life - and starting off with one person angry isn't the best beginning. Or two angry people.

It's an emotional topic. I might be leaning towards you being the bigger person here and realizing that the wedding day is just a day. And that a solid marriage is more important than a dream of walking down the aisle. You may have to be the grown-up with this one and offer a compromise.

Of course, I am not religious and might be missing the point, but it DOES seem that you are caught up mostly in the dreamy image of the Big Day if you are crying over this issue. This should not be something to cry about. You should be thrilled - your love is going to marry you! You will be joined! Think of the good things.

If you can compromise, and he can't meet you somewhere in the middle, then I do agree that maybe this is not the right man for you. In my mind, you will both have to give a little bit now, to be happy long term.