>sniff sniff<
so i've been trying not to let the tyrants upset me so much, but i can't help it. all the stupid games, all the second guessing, all the drama--why? i'm not looking to marry anyone--i just want a boyfriend--you know, someone to have fun with. why is this so bleepin' hard? so that whole thing with that other dude didn't work out--i think he stopped liking me, because we still talk online, but if i mention the 'coffee date' we were supposed to have, he doesn't respond for a really long time. so whatever. there are other fish in the sea, right? well where the heck are they?! i swear, i'm going to go crazy! what should i do (besides calm down teehee

) there are guys who i think might be interested, but honestly, i just don't have energy for that whole stupid song and dance--why can't people just be real? i mean, i'm not ugly, right? i shower twice every day and brush my teeth 3 times a day. my hair is always combed, i wash it almost every day, my clothes are clean, i take good care of myself--what the heck?! grrr--i hate men