My ex and I broke up at the beginning of the summer. He initiated it, saying he wasn't ready and just couldn't do it. I was heartbroken (and still am). :(Truthfully, we both made mistakes leading to the break-up. He was emotionally closed off and that made my imagination run wild; which, in turn, made me do stupid things (i.e. calling him repeatedly when he was on biz trips and wouldn't answer). However, in all fairness, I don't think our issues could not have been worked out - we had the same values, same goals, there was no one else involved, no cheating, we wanted the same things, we liked the same things, etc.
We talked for a couple months after the actual break-up - most days, even leading up to a dinner out together. But, a couple months after the official break-up we got into an ugly fight

, he said he just wanted it to be over, I said I deserved better and we really haven't spoken since. Frankly, we both said nasty things that night, but things I'd be willing to put aside given we were both drunk and angry and hurt.
Anyway, after that we really didn't talk much except for the closing out of the apartment we once shared (we lived together for about a year). That was a month ago, tho, so we haven't talked since then - or seen each other. In fact, I don't think we've seen each other in almost 3 months now...anyway, I've had plenty of time to think about everything thta has happened. I regret the things I did, I am sorry for my mistakes, I am still hurt by some things he did/said, but I truly believe in the love we shared and I want to give it a second chance...any advice on how to get back on my ex's radar and give it a go? Guys, what would make you reconsider taking your ex back and trying again? :-k