
good that you decided to take a break ... there are a ton of good men out there but a watched pot rarely boils lol
the best thing you can do is focus on yourself, do the things you enjoy doing even if you have to do them alone, build your mind and soul, better yourself, take classes, keep busy ... be the best "you" that you can possibly be .... and when the time is right that person will come into your life ... and he will be the right kind of man cuz he will be attracted to you for who you are and we all want a man like that ... a man thats lookin for a well rounded smart and confidant woman
i know that sounds like way cliche .... but cliche became cliche for a reason ... cuz they are TRUE lolz

dont settle for 2nd best half xxx men when you deserve the absolute best there is out there

as lauren hill said ... dont be hard rock when u really are a gem baby girl

men arent all they are cracked up to be anyway and neither is marriage hahaha dont get me wrong being married is great and i love my husband ... but cherish ur freedom and single-hood while you have it lol ....