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this well probaly sound mean,, but i promise its not.... im not a big fan of my inlaws, many my hubbys mom and sister...they are not nice people....they say bad things about me to others and even to my face, but try to make it not sound like a insult...they are also one of those people who try and make every one feel sorry for them, and they try to get money from every one, they well not ask for it, they well make you feel so guilty that you end up giving them money....me and my hubby have been married for a yr and a half and his mom has still yet to call me his wife, she calls me "his little girl friend".. which allways makes me mad....im allways nice to them and try to help (if help is really needed) ..well in 24 more days i'll be having my baby and they want to come down and see the baby,, not becasue this well be her grand child, but becasue she thinks im really having a boy not a girl and that im just saying im haveing a girl because my hubbys sister wanted a girl and she had a boy..(like any one would really do that).....my hubbys mom and sister have never met my family..and im worried my inlaw well say something and all heck well brake lose..(my family dont keep there mouth shuts if some one says some thing mean or not nice) and i dont want them to say at my house while im in the hospital ( the sister has stolen somethings from are house in the past)...i do not know how to talk to mu hubby about all this,,and im worried he well just get mad at me..any help well help :((
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well i don't know about marriage but with pregnacy i know something about...
try not to get too stressed out it isn't good for you nor the baby.(know from a relative)
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i know im not supose to stress out to much, but its kinda hard not to..all i can picture is a fight braking out in the hospital and every one geting kicked out..and when i come home with the new baby there well be things missing..see. his sister broken in to are old house with her oldest brother when we live in the same town and took are coffee table are tv and alot of my kids cloths and toys..we knew they did it becasue he brother had stolen the coffee table a few yrs ago and it was not the best coffee table so the only one who would take it would have been his brother,,pluse she likes to dress her kids in the clothes she stole when she knows we are coming down,,and when i say something..like " my son usto have that same outfit" she would say "oh ummm yeah some one gave this to me" (yeah, right),, my hubby dont see all that as a big deal, he says its just how they are...why do i have to deal with all that..plus he gets mad when i do speak up to them, he says im just looking for a fight and that my mom is not the best either....i never said my mom was the best but come on..my mom shows my hubby respect and does not speak bad of him, and if she where to i would say something to her.. im just soo worried and dont know how to make it better..i cant just tell my hubby i dont want his mom there...i did tell him thay cant stay at are house, but i told him it was becasue when we go and visit they make us get a hotal and i dont want to have to worrie about the house geting messy and have to clean it when i first get out of the hospital, i even told him i would not let my sisters stay at my house while im at the hospital if thay can come down from florida..he agreed, but im still worried they well talk him in to it, or he well end up paying for there hotal  and we cant aford that
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i just got married and dont like my inlaws either. dont stress keep your lil chloe safe and comfortable! i really cant wait to see pics of the lil one:) in my wedding book thing people sign his parents wrote "we love you keith love mom and dad" its like wow thanks for that one
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well since some one posted on here latly i well go ahead and up date ya one whats going on...ok so now they are not coming when i have her (by the way, it can be any day now hehe) so i sould be happy right..well i am and not,,see its like a slap in the face, like chloe is not worth there time to come all the way here to see her come in to life...but oh well its there lose right,,well now they are talking about coming down on my son's birthday party (they have never cared about my son's and well not even think of them as my hubby's..{they are from a nother marrige}) so the only reason why they would is so i either put off the party till another date, or so they can some how make it harder on me...well i guess the joke is on them,,see i talked to my hubby (finaly) about my feelings and well we agreed.. to tell them not to come at all..infact to just wait and see the baby when we come up or wait untell june to come. since i'll have a newborn and well not be up to it all...ive also put my son's party on hold since we are not sure when the baby is coming,, he has not told them all this yet, but i cant wait tell he does.. that well be a waight of my shoulders, plus we are telling them , they have to get a motal if they come down, becasue we just dont have the room for them.....i well keep you updated k
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True Blue Soulmate
True Blue Soulmate
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Good luck! With everything! 
"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.
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Tin Star Soulmate
Tin Star Soulmate
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well thats a good thing that hubby is going to talk to them suzzie. you better let us know when you have the lil cutie!
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Well, whatever your in-laws mean by not coming right away when you have the baby, it will be a lot easier for you if they aren't there, so it's actually working out pretty well for you.
It also sounds like this has prodded you and your husband into working more as a team, which is an important and necessary thing for any couple that wants to last. Good job!
And best of luck with the baby!
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working as a team haha funny...lol sorry but yeah..one of the biges fights me and my hubby have ever had was over his mom and sister lol..when it came to them, he allways seemed to be on there side,, put a big rip in are marrige for awhile...almost ended it once lol....i can laugh now about it,,but it still gets to me.. he's mom has never been the "mom" type to him...has been as mean to him as she is to me. so i could never understand why he sided with her...but then i realized "well its his mom, nomatter how bad of a mom she was or is, he well allways love her..and if some one is saying some thing not nice about her, he well defend her" so then i desided to go about it another way...like when i talked to him about how i didnt want them to come down...i didnt say why i didnt want them too...i told him it would save his mom money if she waits tell we go up there to visite to see the baby.....i did come right out and say they are not staying with us, but i added becasue there is just no room..i never said becasue they allways made us get a hotal when we visit them...i have learnd with all this ..is to refraze what i say to my hubby....becasue i know if i was to just say how i really feel, would end only in a fight and hurt feeling..... dont get me wrong...me and my hubby are close ...i just know when to keep my mouth shut and when i do open it,to watch what i say and how i say it lol....but thanks soooo much for all the kind words and suport..it allways helps.
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