Hello Jeremy.

This isn't the first time that you have been in love and you haven't been with this girl for very long ~ and you are both very young. Are you even legally able to do this yet?
I wouldn't recommend it. I really wouldn't. I, personally, think that you are too young and that you already coping with too many complications.
Relationships, as you know, are emotional matters. Sex can make it more so ~ and more complicated. Things can get very emotional & involved and if anything goes wrong with the relationship, then it will be a bigger emotional blow.
Teenagers have sexual urges built in.
Loving teenagers, who may have missed out on affection, naturally enjoy kissing & cuddling in particular, & often feel particularly attracted by sexual activity.
Try to think logically about this & don't let your hormones ~ or you desire for affection ~ rule your head.
What if your parents found out?
What if her parents found out?
What if she became pregnant?
What if you if you were labelled as a 'bad boy' because of it?
Or if she were labelled a 'bad girl'?
Could you cope?
And, if she is under 16, you could get into legal trouble.
Think about those previous girls you loved.
How would you feel now, do you think, if you had had a full sexual relationship with them?
How would it affect you?
And try not to do things when you feel confused.
You are right; things can change.
Think of when you didn't expect things to change, before, but when they did. Things are always changing ~ especially when you are a teenager.
Anything new & different can be scary.
There are some people for whom sex is a passing pleasure ~ like dancing or a nice meal. They enjoy it that way and it is irrelevant to them whether this is true love or a one-night-stand.
For others, sex is special & private and only for that special for-ever soul-mate, whom they love.
I cannot tell you which of those you are ~ but I get the impression that it might be the second one.
For now, I think that you should wait ~ at least until you know each other better, are certain that you are in love, are old enough to know that this certainty will last, and that you will not get into trouble for doing anything illegal.
One more thing ~ don't take risks with pregnancy or STDs. If you do go through with this, use a condom.
Take care!