Hi Joujou
i've never been in a date it's by choice i just want to be with the one and only .
there's a lot of guys around me waiting for just a gesture from me seriously but i've never been interested until this guy ...
It is unusual, in this day & age, in many cultures, to find a 25-year-old who has never had a relationship of any kind.
For those who, like you, have never dated, or kissed, there is often a religious or cultural reason. Is that the case with you?
You appear to be from France ~ is that right?
i did the first step i wrote him a super sweet note and a gave it to him ..... i wrote him in the note that i want to have my first kiss ever with him ...
The thing is, most young men would find it very daunting to receive a letter from a 25-year-old colleague, who considers herself 'just a 12 years old girl at heart', who wants him to give her her first kiss ~ especially as she wants it to come from her 'one and only'.
For one thing, it's a huge amount of pressure for him to be under. He has to accept a woman who has been waiting only for him ~ and he may not be ready for a one and only ~ or his soul mate may not be you. In fact, neither of you might know who is their one & only until they get to know people better.
It's not really the done thing to tell a man you work with that you want him to give you your first kiss ~ yet it does seem perfectly acceptable for young men to expect young women to have sex on the first date. It's strange in some ways.
But there will be young men, who, like you, do not want a relationhip with someone, unless they are in love ~ or at least feel that this could be 'the one'.
I felt that way too ~ Nat King Cole's song, 'When I fall in love, it will be forever', really meant something to me. I dated only one boy and we are still happily together 34 years later.

I agree with Baby Blue:
if you have waited this long for the right one... keep waiting, because when you find him, there will be no worries.
Just to clarify ~ this person you have 'a super deeper crush' on ~ has he asked you out?
I think that it would be better to get to know a lot of young people, as friends, and allow a relationship to build on friendship.