Hi Steph87

He has lied, cheated and hit you. I agree with the others.
I do understand, though, why you may feel confused.
He has apologised, said that he loves you, wants to marry you, won't hurt you again, etc, etc. And he probably seems believable ~ so you are not sure whether you should believe him, or not.
I imagine that there really are some men who behave very badly and then turn over a new leaf, but is it worth risking your future and that of your daughter?
Because he has already hit you and lied to you.
I have read about this sort of pattern ~ bullying men preying on vulnerable women, getting them to forgive their indiscretions, making them more and more dependent ~ and more likely to suffer violence.
He is already getting you to question yourself. Personally, I don't think that this is a good direction to go in.
Take care!