i started out with being giving Wellbutrin it did not help me at all then i went to the first patch ever made (you can see how long ive battled this) it was the only patch out there...i found it did make me quit ...then cheaper patches that never seemed to stay on... then it was on to Chantix...
that works too very well BUT i didnt like the side affects...all that being said tess...what i did find out is this....once you have managed to stay off smokes ...id suggest ALWAYS keeping just a patch or two or whatever so WHEN not if like you said as once a smoker always a smoker with the urges...anyway just a patch or two for when the time comes that this dang urge creeps out and you think just one...that you can use that patch or the wellbutrin ...it wont work with the chantix however as you would need the starter kit...
that might...work...just to get over that hump day of wanting ...JUST ONE...that never ends up being JUST ONE even tho you die when you take it lol and the taste is horrible and you get light headed but still go on TO TWO then three and ooooooops ...here ya go again back to smoking.

OFF the subject for just a bit here read under REGISTERING AND LOGGING IN again at what i also just noticed...