Well I think at this point I should explain some things...I am 21 and will be getting out of college next summer. So as far as maturity and whatnot, I know myself to the point where I have found this problem out and I am trying to help it. Also, sexual attraction or physical attraction is not an issue because although I am not a virgin, I havent had sex since the girl I dated when I lost it 2 years ago. I dont go out to bars and drink and I am planning on waiting for the right one, plus i have gotten spiritual over the past years.

But anyhow...I thank you for replying very fast to my post! It did give me some ideas. And I have somewhat came to realize that I possibly might be losing interest the more I get to know them. I still do not understand the whole "chasing" situation. I have been treated like xxxx from most the girls I have fallen for, and the ones that I have not fallen for treated me good...but then there were qualities that stuck out in my mind and really got to me, which shy'ed me away till I felt nothing. I dont know if you understand or not, but has anyone helped someone like me or felt the way as I do?

Maybe this will help:
Joe sees Karen one day and goes up and talks to her. Karen seems interested and really easy to talk to. Joe sees that there is something about her that he wants to know about and he could see them being together. They give eachother their numbers and they start talking a little bit. Over a couple of weeks Joe and Karen are always talking and everyday and night and it has gotten to the point where they are having real deep conversations about life and their future together and how great it is going to be and are being really hopeful of what is to come. It has come up to the month and Joe has gotten to know Karen really well from talking to her so much and he has seen her, but there still hasnt been and kissing or intimate contact yet...but Joe is feeling different than he was before. Joe is beginning to feel as if he doesnt want to see Karen tonight or call her. He is just going to go to sleep instead or watch TV. Joe also is beginning to notice little "petty" things about Karen that shouldnt bother him, but they do, and he is having doubts. But just 2 WEEKS before, he was really into the relationship. Its like the feelings are empty. But he KNOWS that there is no reason why this girl couldnt be the one for him for the rest of his life. So Joe doesnt know what went wrong or if he might need medicine...

Did that story kinda give you a rough example of what I have gone through...? I dont just see a real cute girl and fall in love, it takes feelings and communication...

Last edited by PDM; 05/11/08 07:15 PM.