Okay, so it's not as if you are getting too physical too quickly, but you are still very young.

You get to know and like girls, and think that they would be right for you, but you haven't actually found 'the one' yet. You haven't found the spark that burns until it forms glowing embers.

I often find it amazing that I have been with my husband for over thirty years, without any serious falling out, or getting on each other's nerves. But we each have faults.

The thing is, when you haven't found Miss Right, you will see the faults in girls you date, after a while. Once you find Miss Right, all will change.

You don't have to have found Miss Right by age 21. My sons are 21 and almost 18 ~ they haven't found Miss Right yet.

One day, I'm guessing that you will.

And remember ~ it's more likely to happen if you stop worrying about it

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.