Barbara, you have taught me so many new words/idioms. Did you major in English:)

Thank you for your encouragement:)

After the first breakup, I emailed him and tried to explain why I was so conservative. I even told him he was the second guy I ever dated seriously. But he said, we were not compatible, and I need to learn and grow. A few days later, I called him during my conference trip, and said we should meet face to face, and I hated to end like this. He agreed. We met for lunch. I told him, I missed him, and I had feelings for him (I forgot which words I had used. I may have used wrong words. English is not my first language after all). He answered, my brain was cheating. He then started listing a few differences between him and me such as the fact that he likes cold water, but I like hot water. And finally, he mentioned, men need sex. I think all the other reasons were lame except that last one-- now I do realize I have problems with intimacy. I need time to reconstruct myself a little bit.

Regarding the second breakup, I already mentioned in the previous post. All of sudden, he was dating another woman. I was very stupid when I hugged him goodbye. I even asked him "am I gonna see you again?" (with smile, no begging). He said, "not often. She would be jealous."

I appreciate your input. I just watched a movie. I think that may be the truth in his mind "he is just not that into you."

Now I also realize that a breakup can really decrease people's self-confidence at least mine.

Last edited by whereislove; 03/15/09 03:46 AM.