Today I’m grateful for having health care. No matter how well I eat & exercise there’s always accidents & genetics. Things wholly out of my control. What are you grateful for today?
Read MoreDaily yoga is a great way to keep your body strong & healthy. It’s free, fun preventative medicine which helps you avoid falls, aches, sprains, and even colds! Did you do your yoga yet today? #namaste
Read MoreEvening meditation time. I’m having a blast planning out a new photography project involving lights & colors. We’ll see how it works! Take a moment to meditate tonight. It creates enormous benefits for so many aspects of the brain’s healthy functioning. #namaste
Read MoreI loved my morning yoga – Bob’s band has TWO gigs on Saturday so I definitely need to work on my flexibility and endurance for dancing! I can’t quite do this move yet :). Maybe soon! Did you do any yoga today? Even short, simple moves add up! Do a neck roll!
Read MoreEvening meditation time, a bit late but that’s ok. Today was quite busy and rewarding – my writing group at noon and then an awesome BVAA meeting where we all did batik painting in the evening. And when I got home, I discovered I’d just received the freshly scanned film negative image from Old School […]
Read MoreHappy Spring Equinox everyone! My yoga today was wonderful. It was inside due to the snow. I can’t wait until I can get out for walks again. Have you ever tried “Forest Bathing”? It’s shown to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and raise energy levels!
Read MoreEvening meditation time. Thinking warm thoughts about Ireland. This is the path near Bob’s mom’s house. Her house is the blur in the ahead far right. The scene is serene, misty, and, of course, green. #namaste
Read MoreNo time for an hour of yoga? That’s OK. Just do 12 minutes today. It makes a difference. Take a break and spinal twist! #Namaste
Read MoreEvening meditation time. Make time every day for meditation even if it’s just a few minutes. Those minutes quickly add up to noticeable improvements in memory & learning. #namaste
Read MoreToday I’m grateful for the Internet in all its variations of Twitter, Facebook, etc. The ’50s #FreedomRiders – ordinary citizens simply trying to ride a bus down South – were savagely beaten and few knew until they read the paper the next day. One would hope, in modern times, that the outrage would rise immediately […]
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