Hi & welcome!

For most people there will be a series of boyfriends / girlfriends before they find 'the one'. It sounds as if this girl is still seeking. That doesn't mean that she no longer cares about you ~ just that, for now, at least, she feels that you are not that 'one'.
You say that she is the love of your life, and I'm sure that it seems this way now ~ so you must be feeling a lot of pain ~ but you will probably realise, a few years hence, that she actually wasn't 'the one'. Or, alternatively, you may find each other again & stay together.
You are bound to be missing her, and feeling sad. This is normal and very common, but you are really better off apart if she would rather be with the other boy at present.
Don't worry ~ you will find your 'Miss Right ~ and it may or may not turn out to be this girl. Good luck and stay positive!