Just a little info from me on this me and my fiance have been together 10 years back in april 2007 she decided that she was not happy anymore and left me we stayed in contact i gave her the space she desired yes i was upset and hurt we had been together then for 9 years i could not figure out where i went wrong i even actually moved on with my life and met someone else and dated for about a month but knew i could not move on because i still loved nikki and i talked to the new girl and she understood completely which was a relief cause i did not want to hurt someone else the same way i had been hurt well in august of 2007 nikki got sick and was hospitalized and i was there by her side each day she was there i even took a personal leave from work to be by her side she realized then just how much i loved her and why she had been with me for so many years and she asked me to go back with her and be her soulmate for the rest of our lives relationships are great but can be hurtful and twisted until you find that right one and when you find him or her you know it... So good luck and do not get discourage and i am sure you have heard the saying 100's of times there are plenty of fish in the sea and when you catch the right one deep down you will know it !

my birds
one Lutino Cockatiel (snowflake)
and one Normal Grey Cockatiel (PrettyBird)