It is perfectly normal to feel rejected and unworthy especially when someone walks out on you. If he had made you angry enough to be the one to walk away, you would not be as sad as you are right now. Just remember it will pass. When you loose a loved one, it is a lot like a death. You have to allow yourself to go through the phases of loss. It might help to sit down and make a list of all of your good qualities and traits. Add to it where you want to be in six months emotionally, financially, and career wise. The power of positive thinking can sometimes work wonders. Try to treat yourself as if you are your own best friend because you are. Sit down every morning and read the list and read it again at lunch. Sit down again and read it every evening. I once had a friend that changed his life totally because he kept his goals continually before his mind this way. When unhappiness seems overwhelming, we have a tendency to let it color our whole outlook. It always helps to put things in perspective. I can suggest something that might help you look at your life with much more positive emotions. I once did this when I thought my life was falling apart and my outlook changed totally in the span of 20 minutes. Find a hospital near you that specializes in treating cancer patients of all ages and go there for a visit. Walk in the front door and take any elevator to the top floor without getting off. Press the down button and ride it back down and leave.Take care.

Cookie and Sweetie