Thank you PDM, for sharing your experience and I’m glad you are in a better state of mind now. It seems like everyone is going through depression at one point or another nowadays. Before, I used to be so confused. I wonder why all my friends and classmates are always so happy, enjoying their youth but I just couldn’t. I know I’ve always been more of an introvert person, so I thought maybe that has something to do with my depressed feelings. My ex always thought I’m just bored easily (which I am also) though I told him I feel down very often. I guess you’re right, it’s almost impossible for anyone who has not been in our shoes to understand exactly how it feels like. Even with my Mom, she used to compare her lives back then and ours right now and wonders why we even complain (she grew up in a 3rd world country). Anyways, thanks again everyone for your responses. It’s been a great support from this forum!!!


My baby PEACE
Missing 7/3/09