Thanks Koko, I never knew there was no rules to love (this is my first relationship) but I at first worried that it was a little too fast to make long term plans/commitments.
my feelings and heart say he is a great guy, with a caring heart that says alot of things he doesn't mean in the heat of an argument, or is flippant alot and it gets him into trouble and hurts my feelings. But now I worry that he is abusive verbally...
I don't know, I really like your idea thought about no rules. When I do start to over analyze these things and worry about them they seem to...affect the relationship badly.
Like me feeling that it is too soon/fast to be talking about long term, or joking with baby names I become distant during that, act like I just don't care anymore or upset him. He believes in soulmates, faerie tales and dreams come true and here I am trying to introduce him the the reality that it might not work out! So sometimes I feel like I probably hurt him emotionally too:(