Zack, look at it this way. If she was going to talk to you she would have already. If you don't talk to her, you will continue to worry and speculate. In the meanwhile you are suffering more than if you just get it together and Speak to her. It doesn't have to be an in depth interogation. Just ask her how she is doing. If the conversation goes well then tell her that you would like to do exactly what she said, "get to be better friends"

This next step is important... Ask her how she thinks you both should do that.

She is either going to tell you she doesn't know how or she is going to tell you it isn't a good idea or she is going to ask you what you think. Or she isn't going to answer you. I think it will be one of the first three. You know how to handle the second and third one.

If she says she doesn't know how, you could ask what she thinks about haveing lunch some day or studying together at the library.

These are not the usual dating situations, so if she has a problem with these then perhaps you should simply ask her if she would prefer not to be friends and have contact with you.

What do you have to loose at this point. Suffer not knowing or come to the point and get an answer.

Cookie and Sweetie