Here is the prespective from the female, divorced after 20 years.

When I meet the man I am with now and have been for 23 years - one of the first things he said to me when our relationship starting getting serious was "I know your kids come first and always will, I am OK with that"

You cannot imagine what that did for me. Knowing that he understood that made it so much easier to want to include him and the make it up to him for all he does for my family.

The truth of the matter is that when the chips are down her kids and grandkids will come first. If they also come first for you then you have something.

If you want to create a wedge between the two of you - just tell her she will have to choose.

Don't mean to be cruel - just the facts.

Last edited by BLR; 01/01/09 03:28 AM.