hahahahahaha all very funny

i have tons of funny stories my husband is a wierdo ... but some i duno if they are approprite lolz ... one i wana tell so bad but it has to do with urinating LMAO
but ill tell this one instead
it was when we first got married .. i had to drive him to work everyday we had only one car ... and the drive way to the shop is very steep and you can only turn right out of the drive way.
my husband thinks i am a horrible driver ... im not he just thinks i am lol
so i dropped him off and he was insie workin (mechanic shop) and i had to sit and wait for the light to change for the cars to get out of my way ... so im lookin to the left cuz thats the direction the cars are coming from right ... and im like partially into the lane ready to turn when this other car passes in the next lane ... so i go to turn and all of a sudden out of NO WHERE there is a man flying up on my windsheild LMAO
and im like WHAT THE HELL this guy is all up on my car ... im like omg he is denting my hood it didnt hit me what had just happened... well he was riding his bike along and instead of WAITING like a normal person or going BEHIND The car he went out into the street and around the front of the car but he was coming from the right and i was only lookin left cuz the cars could only come from the left hahaha
so he peels himself off my hood and is yellin at me like get out of the car right now u xxxxxxxxxxx and so on and im covering my mouth cuz im laughing so hard im about to pee on myself ... he wasnt hurt so i clearly saw the humor in the situation and he so didnt ....
im sitting there just tryin to get a hold on myself i cant stop laughing i mean i was laughing so hard i couldnt breath an i could stop hahaha ... he pulls his bike out from under the car and i lost it tears came from laughing so hard ... but i had my face covered and he probally thought i was crying hysterically
his bike wheels were all mangled up and it was killin me even now im laughin way too hard hahah
so i call my husband and im like u need to come out side plz and im laughin and he is laughin cuz im laughin and he is like what happened why ur still here im like guy... on bike... under car.... omg... outside plz....
my husband comes outside with every one who works there and the guy is still yelling and screaming and my husband is like wait wait wait u cant talk to my wife like that ... so calm ur self down or im callin the cops ... im like no no no baby no dont do that plz hahahahha
i get out of the car and am turned around laughing my self silly and the guys he works with are like whoa what i dyou do man ... im like the guy came from no where just all up on my hood and they were laughing too
keep in mind the guy was not at all hurt i was going less than 1 mile per hour it was almost like he JUMPED onto the car hahahahahah
so the guy comes aroun the car to face me and gets right up in my face .... my husbnd pushes him back and is like i can call the cops u know this is my property and its clear to everyone YOU were in the middle of the street when you shouldnt have been at all ... and now ur harrassing my wife so calm down ill pay to fix your bike there is a bike shop down the street go get an estimate and have them fax it to me so they guy goes off walkin
my husband turns to me an he wants to yell at me so bad but he cant cuz im in this terrible fit of laughter i cant help myself hahaha he is like just GO HOME RIGHT NOW GO HOME im like yes sir ...
i left and went home ... my husband paid $150 to replace the wheels on the bike and the guy rode off into the sunset lol
i came to pick him up from work and when i pulled into the drive way the shop guys went running screaming like OMG here she comes run for lives lol and i look up and they have the 2 wheels from the bike hanging on their MISTAKES wall LMAO
they have a wall where they hang stuff they messed up to remind tem to be careful and pay attention and to embarrass the guy who made the mistake hahahaha and under the wheels it syas boss mans wife hits a pedestrian
to this day when a person on a bike is anywhere near us and im driving my husband is like plz be careful ... do you see him ... tell me you see him haha