Ok just did a post in another section that reminded me of this story.
The day I got married:
Well we found this beautiful dress for just $75 it was a try on dress at a bridal store it needed alterations but my mom is a seamstress so no problem.
Back in the day that I got married the really full dress was popular (you wore these hoop things and you sort of looked like a big bell lol. The top was fitted and it wall full from the waist down.
This is the funny part. When my dad was walking me down the aisle I kept stepping on some part of the dress or hoop thing to this day I don't know what it was. I thought for sure I was going to do a nose drive but I made it down to the front. I must have looked pretty funny though. Then I also had a brand new pair of shoes and to my mistake I never wore them to break them in so the bottoms of the shoes were really smooth.
During part of the ceremony we had to kneel on a kneeler I was perched on the kneeler quite precariously to say the least because of my huge dress. Well I was kind of sliding off the kneeler and my slippery shoes did not help matters. Everyone whould have gotten a good laugh if they would have seen what was going on under my dress as I was sort of dog paddleing with my feet to stay up on the kneeler and hanging onto my husband for dear life otherwise I would have fallen flat on my butt. I thought we were on the kneeler for hours and was never so glad when we finally got to stand up.
I took a picture of a picture so you could see what I'm talking about so its not the greatest.