im just not goin to make it:'( :'(
I know it's hard, but time heals.
If you feel really bad about this, then you must not let it get you down, you must talk to someone about it. Talking through things can really help.
If you feel that she has misunderstood you, or some of your actions, then you could write to her, perhaps, explaining that you never wanted to push her away, so you cannot understand why she interpreted it that way, and that you miss her, etc.
However, she may just have used that as an excuse to end the relationship. It happens a lot; it may not seem fair but it happens. Without hearing her side of the story, it's impossible to say.
Try to find interesting things to do and interesting people to see, to stop you dwelling on the situation too much. And talk to someone you can trust ~ try not to get depressed about it.
will find someone whom you care about & who wants to be with you. Remember, that is what you need in order to be really happy ~ not someone who would rather be off finding other people.
Remember, you can vent your feelings on here!
If you read some of the other threads, you will see that you are certainly not the only person going through this.
Good luck & take care!!